Company philosophy

The success of Vvög companies is due to the relationship they maintain with their customers, always listening to their requests and requirements, Vvög succeeds in exploiting a real relationship with its customers. The same applies to our suppliers, who ensure that we have the right quality products to offer our customers. A relationship between all parties ensures satisfaction for all.

We are here to help and support every customer in the purchasing process, whether on-site or online, and our team takes the necessary steps to simplify the process. Our passion and knowledge of linen has always guided us to take the greatest care to complete your interest with honesty and dedication, and we are always available for questions and special requests.

The Vvög experience

On the website, you'll find the same quality service as in-store. Our experienced and attentive team offers personalized service to help you make the right choice. If you have any questions during your online shopping session, don't hesitate to contact us by email or phone.

Our history

With over thirty years' experience, Vvög has set itself apart over the years with bold choices and unique positioning that make room for the greatest men's fashion collections, making us the benchmark for clothing fashion in the Chambly region.

During this time, the Ostiguy family has diversified with the same concepts for women's clothing Boutique Gaby, children's clothing Boutique Flos as well as for custom designs Vvög Corporate and schoolwear Vvög Academie. This necessarily influenced us to build our sewing workshop Chambly Valet.

Our expertise in retail and corporate clothing, combined with the experience of manufacturer Profiltex, has made us a leader in the manufacture and distribution of school uniforms for over 15 years.

The company can now count on a team of 25 employees and outstanding customer service to meet all your needs.